If you followed the SCA letter you received last week or read about the new food policy effective November 15 at Anthem Center it became apparent that the SCA Board came out with a really dumb policy that prohibits birthday cakes, cookies or ANY outside food unless it was purchased at Yorktown Grill. Party bridge, ceramics, quilting and more clubs were to be or are all affected.

Well the push back has been enormous from so many and justifiably so while mocking the board for its stupidity. One commentator said Beware of the Cookie Police laughing in their faces as there was and is no enforcement mechanism in the policy. Almost like an episode from HOA DUMB and DUMBER!

Now on NEXTDOOR they would not allow the words “stupidity” and “dumb” but folks that is exactly what the board with the help of our $300,000 plus Chief Operating Officer and our overpaid and ineffective Communications Director allowed. Incompetence abounds. SCA needs personnel changes while saving payroll $$$ as well.

President Steve Anderson in communicating privately with some homeowners who contacted the board members assured many that they didn’t really mean it and would not enforce it. Talk about crazy making! So you would think that in Monday’s Chronicles they would have immediately got the word out that the policy was being revoked. But they didn’t. So does that mean that the policy is still intended to be alive? Simply failed leadership and governance.

Elections matter. Change is desperately and homeowners can have impact in the Spring 2024.

Until next time…Robert

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