As the electioneering has gone on the Steve Anderson video and the David Berman endorsement have both postulated more than once and continue to misstate that no overages from budget have taken place. They are playing a definition game as well outright fabricating and spinning lies. Sound a bit harsh? It is as I want anyone who is considering voting for Steve Anderson to understand that you are being played for a dummy.

First of all I guess they can argue that the Yorktown Grill build out and startup cost did not exceed budget because by definition they were depleting reserves for whatever it took for the buildout. There was a blank check for the startup. They claim any project delays were the City of Henderson’s fault and the 2023 Budget budgeted at $316,800 which included legal fees and other were later reclassified artificially reducing the budget to $293,300 and then 2023 actual came in at $539,046 about $245,000 OVER BUDGET. GOTCHA!

Well February’s Yorktown operating results like December’s had significant Banquet Revenue while dining covers continue to decline. So when Steve Anderson was touting great YORKTOWN results he didn’t give you an accurate picture. Apparently WHG agreed to throw banquet business SCA’s way in February to help Anderson tout politically. But even if WHG continues at current Banquet level for remainder of year SCA will lose at least $295,000 in 2024. Anderson has spun you. So Anderson and Berman are lying to you.

Another example seems to be that they didn’t exceed a project’s budget because they revised the budget upward. You need to look no further to prove their lie than this March 28 Board Book that no project exceeded budget. On the March 28 BOD meeting agenda is a change order regarding the new pickleball courts. To date about $400,000 spent. Originally scheduled to come in about $600,000. With change order expected to be between $100,000 and $225,000 that will bring total cost well above the $600,000. GOTCHA!

I reached out to candidate Forrest Quinn known for his financial credentials to see if he wanted to weigh in. Forrest Quinn pointed out to me that City of Henderson treats all of our building and assets as non taxable amenities BUT NOT THE RESTAURANT which is taxable. So to the City of Henderson doesn’t consider Yorktown Grill an amenity for property tax purposes. GOTCHA!

Further Forrest commented:
” Dave Berman wrote:
FACT: Despite false accusations of cost overruns on major projects, there have been virtually NO cost overruns.”

Forrest challenges:
“WTF! Violating his duty to protect the association, Steve Anderson recklessly voted to reopen the Restaurant in March 2022 without considering its startup cost. Opening Yorktown Grill ultimately cost SCA about $1.7 million, which is way higher than what was considered in March 2022. Furthermore, the Yorktown Grill’s 90-day startup period was contracted to cost SCA about $132,000, but it actually cost $292,000 – a $160,000 cost overrun. “

Forrest states:
“SCA’s Communications Director:
In the Summer of 2021, SCA added a new payroll position called Communications Director. This person was hired to improve SCA’s website, among other jobs. After spending about $200,000 over some thirty months, very few website improvements were made, and the communications director was fired. That’s a cost overrun.” GOTCHA!

Berman asserts:
” FACT: Keeping promises counts for something. When Steve ran for reelection two years ago, he promised to do everything in his power to give us back a restaurant in Anthem Center. It happened! And though we’ve been told it could take up to five years to bring Yorktown Grill to at least break-even, aren’t you encouraged to learn that a loss of $50,000 in January was cut to about $18,500 in February?”

Forrest responds:
“It’s funny how Dave Berman doesn’t mention that Yorktown Grill lost $54,000 in September, $52,000 in October, $51,000 in November, and $23,000 in December. The cost overruns are so frightening that Steve Anderson is reneging on his “full cost disclosure” promises.”

Forrest states:
” Without fanfare or mentioning precisely what it addresses, the Board slipped the following language into March’s Book Board for approval.
“Community Amenities means commonly owned real property and any improvements constructed thereon intended for recreational and related purposes of The Sun City Anthem Community Association Inc. (the “Association”). Community Amenities shall be owned, operated and maintained by the Association, the costs of which shall be recorded and consistently reported in financial statements as general common expenses. “

Forrest concludes:
“This language is designed so that the Yorktown Grill’s about $100,000 per year of extra utility costs, insurance costs, free Spirit magazine ad costs, property taxes, etc., will not be disclosed as promised. ” GOTCHA!

Robert opines:
And so fellow homeowners you have the ability to Fact check and you will see that Candidate Forrest Quinn has told you the truth as I have and that David Berman and candidate Steve Anderson have not. Berman said I found fault with Anderson for being a nice guy. I did not. I said it was no substitute for competence. I am hoping you will ensure that this nice guy finishes last in the voting. He doesn’t deserve your vote.

Please vote for a new board majority. John Marshall, Ben Leibson and Forrest Quinn. The ballots will be in your hands shortly.

Until next time…. Robert


  1. Laura Shapiro on March 24, 2024 at 2:18 pm

    I’d like to thank you for all your time and research on our (SCA) behalf. It seems like our HOA is really messed up and it’s time to make some changes. Thanks again for all you do.

    • Phone Number - 702 434-1935
    • on March 24, 2024 at 2:40 pm

      You are welcome and I hope we get the votes to get a new board majority that will put our house in order.

  2. Irv Prail on March 25, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    PLEASE add me to your mailing list? Thanks!!

    • Phone Number - 702-421-1412
  3. Charlie J. Graham Jr. on March 26, 2024 at 1:50 pm

    Good recap of the mismanagement of the board as it pertains to the Yorktown fiasco. I wholeheartedly endorse the election of John Marshall, Ben Leibson, and Forrest Quinn to the SCA Board.

    • Phone Number - 7606257141

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