For those of us who believe that Sandy Seddon, current Chief Operating Officer( COO), is just the wrong person for the job, have been discussing various methods for transitioning her out. What is the best way to get rid of her and create better governance? The board must make a good decision.
When the incompetent CFO resigned, I had a conversation months ago with current board Treasurer Jim Mayfield that a new board majority ought to deal with new hires and trigger Sandy Seddon’s departure so that she couldn’t make more bad hiring decisions. We discussed the possibility for SCA finding a CFO candidate that had the skill sets to take over as COO.
My perspective is Sandy Seddon is 90% of SCA’s management problems. I see her as lacking the key management skill sets that we need . So many others agree. A new board majority ought to begin its work by getting rid of the Clarkson Law firm and getting new counsel. Mayfield confirms that apparently Seddon has a no cause clause in her contract requiring 90 days notice and signed releases for her to get paid 90 days severance by working the 90 days. New counsel would guide the process. Very clear and not messy. It ought to be triggered allowing a smooth transition period.
Since that conversation with Mayfield, 3 key employees have been mysteriously fired and postings for replacements were made. This coupled with the open CFO slot is problematic as a recruiter was hired. Seddon has hired so many failed CFO’s and other slots e.g. Communications Director. This lame duck board ought to back off and let the homeowners weigh in. We are only 34 days away from potentially a new board majority that will act intelligently.
Think about it. The current board majority has two open meetings left. The one for March is tomorrow. No key personnel decisions ought to be made unless it is agreement to terminate Seddon with a replacement plan thought out. The handwriting is on the wall.
Don’t be shocked if you get some personnel announcements of some kind at Thursday’s or April’s board meeting. Seddon has the sole power to hire and fire within an approved budget or budget revision in accordance with Article VIII of CCnRS. She is the wrong person to be making these hiring decisions but this current board majority won’t recognize it or will suggest counseling rather than decisively needed business action. Seddon needs to be replaced.
For example , air conditioning unit replacements and maintenance as identified in reserve study for action in 2024 do not seem to have a high enough priority with Ms. Seddon as there ought to already be an A/C replacement plan in place. Because current management’s priorities are askew there is risk the Center could have A/C go bad this summer. The Reserve Study approved by the board declared these units are at the end of their useful lives. This is a personnel problem. Poor planning and decision making by Seddon and Anderson for what appears on the board agenda is real. The estimated useful life of these A/C units expire and there is no replacement plan in place. Imagine the possible emergency and loss of use this summer if A/C fails. Nobody knows but it is a risk a prudent management and board would have already avoided. Personnel changes cannot come soon enough. Seddon and Anderson both have to go.
Vote for John Marshall, Ben Leibson, and Forrest Quinn and allow them to become a part of the new board majority that gets things right. There is so much to fix. Get your neighbors and friends to vote today while ballots are fresh.
Until next time…Robert