Here we are in the middle of board elections.
FACT 1. President Steve Anderson is seeking reelection.

FACT 2. Blogger and insider David Berman supports him.

FACT 3. The financial results for Yorktown in February are not posted on SCA website as of this writing.

FACT 4. I had made an official written request for the February Yorktown statement if it had been received. I got no response from management. Instead I got a weaponized legal letter telling me to not communicate any further using the electronic website portal or emails. Great use of homeowners monies for legal, right?

FACT 5. On insider David Berman’s blog this morning was a post that stated “After a disappointing loss of about $50,000 for Yorktown Grill in January, Anderson said it will soon be announced that February’s deficit had been reduced to about $18,500.

FACT 6. Anderson previously had committed to include utilities and insurance costs to the 2024 monthly numbers but has failed to honor that pledge. Some estimate the monthly charge to be between $3,500 and $5,000 monthly.

So what you have here is an attempt to politically control and spin the data to benefit Mr. Anderson’s reelection bid.

FACT 7. If you use Anderson’s $18,500 and add the low monthly utilities and insurance estimate ( $3,500 )that’s $22,000 LOSS for February. And if you multiply the $22,000 x the 11 months of Feb-Dec 2024 that equals $242,000. Then add January’s $53,500( which includes utilities and insurance) that equals $295,000 LOSS for 2024. Anderson and board knowingly lowballed Yorktown’s 2024 budget at a $200,000 loss ( as publicly stated by resigned Treasurer Greg Swenson). Pure collusion and corruption in budgeting.

FACT 8. Jim Mayfield current board Treasurer has publicly stated expect 2024 Yorktown LOSS to be a much bigger number than budgeted.

So I say to all of those homeowners who are being spun by this political collusion by Anderson and Berman and considering a vote to reelect Anderson perhaps you ought to examine your own moral compass. The evidence is in your face if you want to look.

Let’s eliminate Anderson and Berman from this deception and favored nation information disclosure manipulation.

Please vote for John Marshall, Ben Leibson and Forrest Quinn. We need honesty, transparency and integrity. It seems three employees were recently terminated and we don’t know why. But we do know why Anderson, Seddon and counsel Clarkson ought to all be replaced.

Ballots being mailed Friday. Elections matter. You decide.

Until next time….Robert


  1. Fred Fine on March 23, 2024 at 8:55 pm

    Agreed 100%.

    • Phone Number - 7023535577

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