Thanks to Jim Mayfield

Jim( former board member and Treasurer) posted on Anthem Today comments about me and and I reached out to him because other than his opening paragraph I was in agreement with him for the most part. So I reached out to him by phone and we had a wonderful conversation and acknowledging we are on the same page as to 1. The mismanagement of the Reserves by the current board. His approach is to have a constant reserve somewhere between 80% and 95% acknowledging when he served that it hovered around 90% as the standard. I have already promoted 100%. But we both agreed it would take about 4- 5 years of careful financial management to move SCA back to the 90%. That is an acceptable goal and we agreed on that and 2. Elections matter and getting Directors that understand their oversight role and have the skill sets for governance are what we need as a Community; and 3. That the current management and board leadership together with weaponized counsel are failing us very badly. We need change.

As many of you know we were successful in the 2023 election towards advancing to a new board majority and with your support as we did in 2023 we will elect a new board majority in 2024 who will actually serve the best interests of homeowners. Jim also pointed out to me that he tried to post on this site and the system did not allow him. I am all over it and will be working with GODADDY personnel early in the week to fix the problem as having these exchanges in the open will benefit all of you seeking knowledge and figuring out who to trust.

Until next time….Robert


  1. Lou on September 24, 2023 at 11:03 am

    Keep us informed! When the elections become voting time, just list the candidates we should support. I guess this will a really crucial election as it should NOT renew COO Sandy’s contract for 2025 and fire that lawyer who appears to be anti-homeowners rights!

    • on October 9, 2023 at 1:26 pm

      Thanks and yes, both the lawyer and Seddon need to be phased out as they are damaging influences to good governance.

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