Have you ever heard the expression, “that’s rich?” It has a couple meanings but the base is about someone saying something unreasonable. Well at Tuesday’s Town Hall meeting where maybe 25 homes were represented Greg Swenson, board member and Treasurer, was grousing about the amount of hours he is having to spend doing “board stuff”. That’s rich!

First of all ,SCA is set up in its governing documents for self management with a COO in charge of all operations with the board in a policy setting role. And yet the last number of boards have shown that they are “hands on” to a fault and ignore what their role is. And it is done with a great big assist from Sandy Seddon, COO, who aligns with her upward delegation practice. It’s all backwards. And the board members go along.

These board members allow themselves to be liaisons to committees and other functions that should frankly be done by staff or not at all.

Greg Swenson took it upon himself as Treasurer to cover for an unqualified CFO and COO and spent lots of hours trying to be the hero. He had good intentions. The COO, Sandy Seddon, made a bad CFO hire as CFO couldn’t even get out monthly financial statements on the website so the solution was to change them to quarterly and then hire another accountant clearly violating the 2023 Budget. It was On the Job training at our expense. And Mr. Swenson also took on restaurant advocacy consuming lots of hours. And they still haven’t figured out what to do about restaurant utilities because they chose not to install meters. The board set that policy by stating they could allocate by formula. The August restaurant financial on website did not have any allocation for utilities. That was CFO/COO responsibility.

And in trying to advocate for the restaurant, the board passed and mailed to homeowners a new Anthem Center food policy effective November 15 that prohibited any outside food or beverages except if purchased at Yorktown Grill. Another bad policy which got immediate and intense backlash causing President Steve Anderson to privately tell homeowners it wouldn’t be enforced. But no Chronicles eblast followed.

And back to Greg Swenson at the Town Hall when one of the few homeowners present brought up the new food and beverage policy . Mr. Swenson “waffled” and said it hasn’t been decided whether to keep or revoke the policy. This is failed leadership from Greg Swenson, Steve Anderson and the board and Sandy Seddon.

And don’t lose sight of the fact that these Town Halls are poorly attended. Is the irony lost? Mr. Swenson and the rest of the board could really make better use of their time by not being at Town Hall’s grousing about how much time it takes to be a board member. That’s Rich!

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