Happy Halloween!

Effective November 15 the new policy goes into effect at Anthem Center.

Because of Yorktown Grill and it’s need for revenue to survive the board has declared a lock down on clubs and residents who use Anthem Center from bringing in outside snacks, drinks, birthday cakes, enchiladas and everything consumable. Only purchases from Yorktown Grill are authorized.

This policy just builds more resentment from homeowners. Clearly, Yorktown cannot stand on its own merits. The board has concluded that. For many that have marginally supported the restaurant this new policy makes it clear that the sooner Yorktown fails the sooner the ceramics and quilting folks will be free to experience food their way including a birthday cake on occasion maybe even homemade brownies. Adios Yorktown!

I play cards at Anthem Center many times a week and frankly I love the new food policy. For me, it will stop me from consuming those freshly baked cookies a party bridge player often graciously brings. What a great way to keep the pounds off. Forget weight watchers. Who needs it? This policy stops my snacking. But for others they must be feeling violated. And violated they are. So wrong.

There already was a lot of resentment towards the board and management who brought us the unneeded, poorly thought out, poorly implemented and now poorly operated restaurant with its deficit financing while depleting main reserves, impacting handicapped parking, the overflow use of toilets by outsiders, lack of proper monitoring of restaurant customers before and after entrance to restaurant via Anthem Center, lack of financial transparency on accountings, failure to create separate utility meters, and now this new food and drink lockdown.

It is time to end the trick and return the treats.

We need both competent management overseen by a competent board. We don’t have either one now. Elections matter and hopefully a new set of candidates for 2024 will emerge who will get elected and change things for the better.


  1. Lynette Webber on October 25, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    Has anyone considered that many residents don’t have large enough homes to allow gatherings for cards or majong etc. so they use the recreation center to meet with their friends to enjoy those activities, and maybe also celebrate a birthday or whatever. At the same time, they may bring treats or baked goods to enjoy during these gatherings, but they may not be able to afford a cake or cookies etc. baked by Yorktown Grill, and they would have to order in advance of their event too to make sure the desired refreshments are available, which is just another hassle that has to be dealt with. (Note: they did the same thing with exercise classes by requiring a reservation for attendance, but if you couldn’t make it for some reason, you had to remember to call and cancel, which is another aggravation, and they kept track of how many times you didn’t show up and didn’t cancel. They are treating us like school aged children!!!) I have lived here 19 years and there have never been so few classes offered during the week. The exercise rooms in Independence are often empty during the week, and yet we need an Activities Director and as Assistant Activities Director. Thank you Sandy Seddon and Jen Harris. NOT!!!!

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