SCA 2024 PAYROLL BUDGET $5,373,972!

Is this too much? Yes!

First let’s look at historical perspective with actual audited numbers:

2015 $2,865,732

2019 $3,670,530

2021 $3,967,155

2022 $4,540,304

The 2023 Budget is $5,091,800 and actuals through September are on the web site.

Two key points from 2023 actuals are 1. Administrative workers are over budget by $88,000 and 2. Cumulative Burden( fringe and taxes) is under budget by $126,000. What does that say since no other detail or explanations are provided? Something is really off. Bad Budgeting? Non Budgeted new hires? Hidden reserves with inflating burdens budget? That’s a budget game. You decide.

2024 Budget Payroll $5,373,972. So from 2015 actuals to 2021 actuals it was a 38.4% increase. Then from 2021 actuals to 2024 Budget the increase is 35.5%. So wrong.

It is my assertion that this current self management costs more than it should and in fact a fiefdom has been created with board permission and the board by its own design of a culture that is overworked,

with micromanagement tendencies to a fault and produces a costly operation. Just bad governance.

I urge the electorate in 2024 to install a new board majority that will replace the current board culture and management functioning. Improve staff quality and lower costs. And return board governance to oversight and the big issues. That cannot be achieved with current management and staff. And annually raising the payroll and burden costs each budget cycle is not the answer. SELF MANAGEMENT has become SELF INDULGENCE. So wrong. Stop the wasteful spending.

The pocketbook you save could be your own. Until next time….Robert

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