Steve Anderson Wrong for SCA Board!

First of all, he is a very nice man, courteous, and a good listener. He means well. He is process oriented. But he doesn’t always respect and follow the prescribed rules. As chair of meetings he has a duty to respect and comply with approved process but he waives the rules at his discretion based on his personal opinions. He is not a business guy. His priority is to maximize everyone getting along and making nice and spinning any result into a favorable light. He comes from academia. Results are secondary. It’s all about talking and posturing to a fault. Many actions taken are based on faulty conclusions. Thank God he doesn’t have tenure as a board member. Elections matter.

SCA is configured to be self managed with all the operating power vested in a Chief Operating Officer currently filled by Sandy Seddon. He is a huge supporter of Seddon and looking to renew her contract with a compensation increase to her already exorbitant salary. In a recent email letter to” friends” seeking support he gave out this contact info. He wants to hear from you. Ask him at the Meet and Greet or email him at or call him at 702 683-2219. He will have smooth and polished answers. He is more about style than substance. He won’t have real solutions. If you drill down and stump him he says he will look into it. It’s all talk. Again he means well and is courteous. He has served long enough as he has failed to deliver good administrative governance and financial responsibility.

What I found striking about Anderson’s pitch was he mentioned three projects that he was proud of:
1. Upgrading Bocce Courts and completing long delayed new pickleball courts.
2. Yorktown Grill
3. Upgraded Freedom Hall

In his entire letter he fails to mention any numbers. No measurements of these projects. This is evidence of his lack of business focus.

The cost overruns, poor budgets, failed projections, time delays and overall project mismanagement aren’t even mentioned. Mr. Anderson is a spinner. No numbers at all. There is a reason the numbers are absent. Sandy Seddon and Mr. Anderson have mishandled all of these. Mr. Anderson either ignores the numbers or blames others. He supports Seddon to a fault. SCA needs a change. The numbers matter.

He uses what he believes are inspirational messages and quotes in his reports. They don’t change the numbers. The Main Reserves are underfunded. The Restaurant’s deficits are exceeding approved projections. Freedom Hall was overbudget and some aspects are still not operational. Are the pickleball courts really finished? All on his watch. One of Sandy Seddon’s major functions is project management yet no consequences as hundreds of thousands of $$$ have been wasted. Vendors did not have negotiated contracts with penalties or consequences. Why not? She’s the operational person in charge and clueless. All the board can do is to replace her. Anderson rates her favorably; just ask him. Call or email him or seek him out at the Meet and Greet. He invites your communications. He does not support terminating Sandy Seddon. Drill down. As current minority board member Rick Ernest says, ” Follow the money”.

We need a new board majority to implement necessary staff changes and reduce payroll. Sandy Seddon owns this task responsibility by contract and governing documents and Anderson as President is not allowed to micromanage so its all talk. The board under Anderson’s failed leadership approved her fiefdom via the budget approval process as jobs, pay and benefits feathered the nest climbing year after year on his watch. He has no business sense. It is so obvious. That doesn’t make him a bad human being but it does make him an incompetent board member not serving the best interests of homeowners.

In his letter he plays victim saying he is under attack being called dishonest, a failed leader and incompetent. He is all of those as his record demonstrates. SCA homeowners are the real victims of bad management. And it is board responsibility to make the necessary changes. We need a new board majority Your votes matter.

After the early March Meet and Greet, I will share which 3 candidates we think can really act in the best interests of homeowners by 1. Replacing the weaponized legal counsel 2. Not renewing Sandy Seddon’s contract and making organizational changes 3. Taking better care of the Main Reserves, and 4. Implementing internal controls with contractual oversight from inception to completion. The pocketbook we save will be our own. Join us in creating a new board majority.

Until next time…Robert


  1. Craig Walmsley on February 21, 2024 at 5:08 pm


    I’d like to hope that our Board will start to listen to the findings and unanimous recommendations of our Facility and Landscape Committee. We recently completed our study of our 12 tennis courts. A qualified and very experienced Engineer on this committee reported to the F&L Committee why our courts are cracking, provided cost estimates for various repair methods, validated his recommended method by visiting and discussing repairs made at other Community courts here on SiNev, and promptly had these findings and recommendations nixed by our Board. Instead, our board is proposing that we waste at least $25k to further study this problem. STOP wasting our money on unnecessary tasks. If any study is needed, its on ehat are the current and future needs of the tennis snd pickleball players. This should be an in-house no-cost study and foesn’t need to cost money . Let all interested parties sit down and figure this out, then proceed with repairs to X number if our courts.

    • Phone Number - 702-595-0051
    • Liz Breier on February 26, 2024 at 8:19 am

      I will again thank you for your commitment to the community. I have followed your comments on Nextdoor and was pleased that you spoke up at the Board meeting last Thursday.

      • Phone Number - 7024992956
  2. Linda S Garrison on February 21, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    This is important work and I’m so glad you have taken on that responsibility. I think the association problems are solvable with the right people in charge. I look forward to your future posts. I’ve started to look into some fiscal responsibility at the club level. We all could do better

    • Phone Number - 7028606814
  3. Bob Miller on March 10, 2024 at 5:08 am

    A nice man with good intentions but no facts for numbers to back them is not so dumb, He knows exactly what’s going on, to believe anything else is part of the plan. Don’t be fooled.

    • Phone Number - 7024927175

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