We are six months away from the possibility of a new era in SCA. A new board majority that truly has the best financial interests of homeowners at heart while ensuring good governance administratively is possible.

It is important to note that the Restaurant is not a 2024 Election Issue. It may be in 2025 depending on the operating results in 2024 but for now, time must be given to honor the contract’s timeline and judge its performance in a greater context after sufficient data is available. Hopefully it makes it.

There will be three (3) board seats open and I am hopeful that three strong candidates emerge that can be elected to merge with some existing board members to accomplish the following:

  1. Seek new legal counsel. Terminate the services of current counsel Adam Clarkson as general counsel and end the era of a weaponized counsel against homeowners. Reduce costs.
  2. With the resignation of the 4th or 5th accounting CFO( hired by COO) get our financial and accounting house in order and possibly outsource the accounting function. It may get accomplished now as also resigning effective November 1 has been board member and Treasurer Greg Swenson. Reorganize so that financial/accounting function from either outsource or in house reports directly to board while current COO is still employed. That may be either an interim or permanent solution. But the board needs effective oversight because of COO shortcomings. Immediately appoint in 2023 Forrest Quinn( if he will accept) or equally qualified financial professional to board.
  3. Either terminate for cause or plan otherwise the transition away from current COO Sandy Seddon who has in my view with weaponization of counsel, failure to make good hires for accounting, using upward delegation, and responsible for poor project management has under achieved responsibilities. Her generous contract expires in May 2025 and a new board at a minimum has sufficient time to create an orderly replacement and reorganization while saving money.
  4. Minimize capital spending on new pet projects and begin raising the level of funding for the Main Reserves back to a 90% or higher standard.
  5. Examine payroll bloat and make appropriate judgments to reduce the payroll which has exploded in recent years due to fiefdom padding of additional employees and overly generous cumulative raises.
  6. Eliminate upward delegation to board so that board members oversee operations and not micro manage as middle managers. Eliminate crisis management. Hold COO and staff accountable to do the work. Eliminate unnecessary board attendance as committee liaisons and other non essentials. Board members are not on a new career path. Changing the culture could attract more qualified business candidates to serve. Make Audit Committee independent watchdog function reporting to the board without members of Finance Committee or board members serving in this capacity. Monitor purchasing practices to possibly lower costs and protect from potential insider abuse.

Nominations open in January 2024 and close Friday February 2. Ballots mailed late March. We can do this.

Until next time…Robert

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