reader wrote me pointing out how much the theater project was mismanaged with cost overruns and delays when I didn’t include it as one of the examples in pointing out the incompetence of current SCA Chief Operating Officer, Sandy Seddon. He was right to point it out. Under our current structure of SELF-MANAGEMENT 100% of operational control rests with the Chief Operating Officer(COO). The buck stops there. And the COO has the power of hire and fire over all employees.

If you have a COO, as SCA does, who has an abysmal record of hiring good accounting and financial personnel it compounds the problems of accountability and demonstrates also COO’s basic lack

SELF-MANAGEMENT doesn’t work if you have incompetent people in charge. If the COO doesn’t have the skill sets to know how to select vendors and write contracts that protect the HOA from delays and cost overruns or poor workmanship then SCA has the wrong person in the job. The evidence suggests that we have the wrong person as COO.

The reader asked, “ How do we fix it?” The bottom line is for the board majority to rid SCA of the current COO . Options include replacing her with someone competent. Downsizing job to a new job description and create a hybrid operation by outsourcing certain functions. Or return to a competent management company if that isn’t an oxymoron. The problems will not be solved by continuing to have her functioning as COO. The board must confront this reality.

Some people say I am too harsh in my criticisms. Folks ,the reality is harsh and soft pedaling the message to be politically correct is counter productive. This isn’t about me and my style. It’s about what’s in the best interests of homeowners and you will have to decide. SCA is getting clobbered financially by incompetence and if WE THE PEOPLE fail to elect a new board majority in the coming election that will fix the problems then that is on us. The pocketbook you save could be your own.

And remember when I started this journey I told you that I committed to a 2 year window, two election cycles to get a new board majority. Candidates are not perfect. Everybody is flawed. In the 1st cycle of 2023 Pam Williams and Rick Ernest got elected and their presence is creating change but they are a minority. It takes 4 votes to create change. Jim Mayfield came on in a temporary role for six months after resignation of Treasurer Greg Swenson and Jim is making a huge contribution. But to get the changes that are needed we need to elect in 2024 a new board majority( 4 votes) who will confront the reality and act. My blog and activism is scheduled to fade away in 2024 regardless of outcome. And don’t expect Pam Williams and Rick Ernest to seek second terms in 2025. 2 years of service is a sacrifice. We have a window of opportunity. All volunteers are not equal. I URGE YOU NOT TO VOTE FOR ANY INCUMBENTS SEEKING REELECTION! That would lend support to more of the same incompetence. If you want the change, you must be willing to ensure you vote and get your friends and neighbors to vote too. That effort got Pam and Rick elected in 2023. They will have another year of their 2 year term. In 2024 help me help you. Let’s complete the mission.

Three slots are open. It is my hope that three new candidates will emerge who deserve your votes and are committed to the changes I outlined previously. We should be so lucky and grateful to those who step up. Nominations close February 5. Ballots are distributed at end of March. New board is installed May 1. We can do this and better our community both financially and administratively.

Until next time….Robert

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