What’s Important?

Can we all agree that Health, Family, and Quality of Life mean a lot?And after that we may begin to list different items as to what is important and worth fighting for. For most actually fighting is not a high priority.Fighting for Truth, Justice and The American Way was imprinted on me by actor George Reeves playing TV’s Superman. It is my nature to stand up and confront conflict that is in my face. Our SCA HOA, in my opinion, is poorly managed by an incompetent Chief Operating Officer and currently has a Board of Directors majority that is lost in the woods supporting the dysfunction with a lot of false pride and worse.I have been standing up to their failures. That doesn’t mean that everything they do is wrong. But we need change.The restaurant has been a controversial issue and some of these board members and the COO will go to extremes by supporting breaking the law( NRS116) to protect their pet project. We have been promised transparency over and over again and been deceived and misled intentionally. We as a community must confront the truth. We must support only those who look out for homeowners’ best interests.Each month WHG the operator of Yorktown is to provide operating results by the 15th business day of the month following close of that month. So the November report was due December 21. I requested a copy and was denied in writing by Sandy Seddon with her stating that it was standard operating procedure for the Finance Committee to review prior to distribution. And that she would post it on the website after the January 17 Finance Committee meeting. I can send you a copy of her email if you request it.Today I requested to see the WHG YORKTOWN November report. It fell on Deaf Ears, again. Mike Catallo VP of Finance Committee confirmed that there was no WHG report offered nor reviewed today. I followed up and more Deaf Ears. According to Forrest Quinn he reviewed a Point Point handout at the FC meeting and determined that YORKTOWN lost another ($50,724) in November. That puts SCA on course for a ($600,000) annual operating loss if those results are confirmed and continue.One of my grievances against this board is that they discuss certain prohibited matters secretly in executive sessions or privately when such matters are to be discussed in open board meetings. NRS116.31085 3 (a) (b) (c) and (d) is very specific and the financials from WHG for YORKTOWN need to be discussed in open board meeting. But Steve Anderson President and David Meredith Secretary fail their fiduciary duty with open defiance of the law as does Sandy Seddon and Doris Logar. We need to clean house and it starts with the upcoming election. These folks need to go.It is important to evaluate facts and have leaders that don’t play games.Elections matter. Until next time…. Robert


  1. Marilyn Means on February 21, 2024 at 10:50 pm

    Agree! It has been a nightmare since SCA decided to self manage and chose Sandy Seddon, COO in 2017. We need CHANGE!!!

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